Dragon Ball Episode 2-To the Promised Resort! Vegeta Takes a Family Trip!

To the Promised Resort! Vegeta Takes a Family Trip!

8a26cfed20af44fddce9be139d4e74f3"To the Promised Resort! Vegeta Goes on a Family trip, this is the second episode of Dragon Ball Super. Its Japanese air date is July 12, 2015. Its American air date is January 14, 2017.
King Kai is driving on his planet with Bubbles and Gregory in his car. Goku suddenly appears using Instant Transmission and causes King Kai to crash into his house. While King Kai is rebuilding his home, Goku is eating and when he finishes he tells King Kai he went to his planet to train under 10 times gravity, King Kai becomes furious and starts to explain he is the most important Kai there is.

Vegeta goes out with Bulma and Trunks to a resort area for their first family vacation. When asked by his wife why he suddenly took time off from training to go on vacation with them, he replies that he is keeping a promise to Trunks, which is when he promised to take Trunks to the amusement park if landed a punch on him during their training before the tournament. Bulma points out that something about Vegeta has changed since the battle against Buu, and how he has been spending more time with the family and, although he doesn't deny any of this, he brushes it all off. The vacation goes well before Vegeta finally gets annoyed enough that he runs back to Capsule Corporation to get started on his training and vows that, although he has accepted that Goku is stronger, he will surpass him one day.

Minion alien super fullIn an unknown prehistoric planet, a dinosaur attacks several inhabitants of the planet. The leader of the aliens appears and defeats the dinosaur. Whis appears and asks for the dinosaur so Beerus can eat it. Since the alien does not speak the common language so him and Whis talk in his own alien language. The alien refuses to give the dinosaur and then Beerus appears. The alien transforms into a larger form and furiously attacks Beerus, who parries all his attacks with his finger. The alien uses Fire Breath on Beerus but with no avail. Beerus then decides to no longer want to eat dinosaur meat anymore, and destroys the planet he is on with a small attack. Old Kai and Kibito Kai are drinking tea when Old Kai sense a planet disappearing and tells Kibito Kai it's the God of DestructionBeerus' work. As Beerus watches the planet's destruction, he remembers about his dream and desires to know more of the Super Saiyan God.
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