How Dare You Do That To My Bulma! Vegeta's Metamorphosis of Fury?
"How Dare You Hit My Bulma! Vegeta's Sudden, Angry Shift?!") is the seventh episode of Dragon Ball Super. Its Japanese air date is August 23, 2015. Its American airdate is February 18, 2017.

Piccolo, Tien, and Android 18 attack Beerus all at once
Beerus decides to destroy the Earth out of extreme rage that he had not have any pudding, due to Majin Buu having eaten all of it. Vegeta falls into despair due to Beerus' monstrous strength and Goku is still on King Kai's planet, getting ready to return to Earth to fight Beerus. Sensing how powerful and dangerous Beerus is, Piccolo and the others decide they will all have to fight him in order to stop him from destroying the planet. Majin Buu, irritated at Beerus, engages him in battle but is easily defeated and left badly beaten up, to everyone's surprise. Beerus powers up and everyone is made fully aware of how strong he truly is. Trunks and Goten perform the Fusion Dance and fuse into Gotenks but they, too, are no match against him and are defeated, not to mention hitting his arm with his fingers as a fitting punishment for a child. Tien Shinhan, Android 18 and Piccolo all charge at Beerus, but he subdues them without so much as touching them. Gohan decides to fight him next but he is also easily defeated, which shocks Piccolo the most, as Dende speculates that Beerus may be a god.
Having grown tired, Beerus decides to go ahead and blow the planet up since he found no Super Saiyan God or pudding. He decides to kill Vegeta first, who finds it a proud event if he dies at the hands of a God of Destruction. However, he is shocked when Bulma walks up to Beerus and smacks him across the face. She berates him for his behavior at her birthday party, however, Beerus smirking at her, smacks her back, which leaves her unconscious. Vegeta, who had pleaded for Beerus to not hurt her, is overcome with rage at the sight of her injured and knocked out. In his rage, he condemns Beerus for hurting his wife and transforms into a Super Saiyan 2, vowing that he will suffer for what he had done.
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